Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Hello! Here to blog before falling into some deep slumber in a moment's time. Meh.

So 12 May 2013 was Mother's Day, and here's wishing all mummy's in the world to be healthy, pretty, and of course happy always~ Even though your kid(s) may not say it, but they really do love you a lot. I mean, if they can't even love someone who brought them into this world, who else right? :D

So before my long thank-you speech for my mummy begins, I'm gonna talk on what happened on the CCN day which happened on the last Friday. Basically CCN means Campus Care Network, and on 10 May, the whole School of Business in TP were selling/doing up their special items or tricks for the school. And it really was a chaotic day. Being the introvert as I am, I didn't do much other than collecting some money and squeezing out the cheese for th nachos. >< But 1K05 did a great job in serving all the customers, and shouting, and rushing to get the ingredients for the fired oreos and nachos that we were selling. 1K05 is truly awesome. Proud to be in this class. And at the end of it all, we took a photo of the class as usual. <3 :d="" about="" ccn="" day="" div="" done="" gonna="" i="" m="" mother="" now="" rant.="" rant="" read="" right="" s="" so="" that="" with="" yes="" you="">

So I bet everyone knows what most children do on Mother's Day - Elegant dresses, extravagant meals. costly cakes, and even over-exaggerated actions of trying to do housework for the mummys. Well, not that I don't support any of those, but rather, WHY ONLY ON MOTHER'S DAY ARE YOU DOING THESE? Look, our mummys does almost everything for us, every single day, like a repeated cycle. They cook for us, buy necessities and 'want' items for us, pay for our school fees, and admit it, she's probably the one who's the most uptight about your school results, from mini tests, to exams, and even NAPFA tests. But precisely because our mummys do these things for us on a daily basis, we often take their presence for granted, and think that they will (and should) always be there for us, whether rain or shine, whether they're sick or not, whether we have lessons at a later timing or not. The thing that we don't notice is that, our mummys are just like our oxygen. We can't see them often when they are doing all the thoughtful things for us, we can't hear them, when they are saying all the harsh advices which we should learn to digest, but when they are not around us for a day, we often lose our footing and be flustered and not know what to do. That's the power of oxygen. Without oxygen, we'd die. Without our mummys, we'd probably not feel like living.

People out there, don't ever wait till Mother's Day or your mummys' birthday before you start to think of what to do to make them happy. Every day when you wake up, just tell your mummy you love her, and that you appreciate her presence. Think through everything that you want to do with your mummy, be it the new shopping area in town, or even a new food place in Bedok. Anything. Show them that you want them as a part of your life. Include them. Don't hate them because they may not look elegant like other rich mummys you see. Your mummy went through all the pain to not just give birth but also to bring you up. It's never too late, and you're never too old to give your mummy a hug or kiss on the cheek to show her your love for her. Why not make everyday a Mother's Day for her? Truth be told, I'm pretty sure that's what every mummy in the world wants. <3 div="">

So start to love your mummy from this moment onwards! ^^ Let the love spread! Hehe. That's all for today~~

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