Friday, May 31, 2013


Hello hello! After a somewhat short hiatus, I'm finally back!

So what happened was basically jsut that my TOSHIBA Netbook died on me a few days ago, and my new HP lappy just arrived today and since now it's fully charged, just thought that I'd blog for awhile since it's been awhile! Hahaha. Kinda depressed when my netbook died on me because all my BCS assignments were done and kept in there, and now my iTunes and all my K-stuffs are all gone. Have to start re-downloading everything once mid-sem tests are over~~ And things like my WGM and Running Man episodes. Gosh just kill me right now. The thought of having all my videos deleted just kills me... And not to mention I've to re-download all my songs for iTunes. Since I heard sync-ing it doesn''t allow me to add anymore new songs. >< Short rant of netbook done!

So next week is my first mid-sem tests in TP and everyone's started studying! I've started a few pages and hopefully by the end of this week I can finished studying and actually understand every single thing. Gonna meet up with Adeline and Kenneth to mug for MicroEcons together... Wish us luck! MicroEcons is something that really drains my attention level but it's still not that bad, so praying for all the best!

And everyone, you have to, like literally and really, HAVE TO try out COLD STONE CREAMERY's ice cream!! It is just so freakishly awesome. <3 :="" a="" actually="" add="" and="" any="" anything="" at="" but="" chia="" citylink="" cravings="" cream="" customers.="" d="" div="" for="" go="" going="" guess="" had="" have="" haven="" how="" i="" ice="" in="" is="" it.="" it="" just="" keep="" lappy="" lee="" m="" million="" new="" not="" nothing="" now="" of="" photo="" photos="" pictures="" post="" praises="" promise="" put="" real="" red="" serve="" since="" soon="" spoil="" still="" suspense="" t="" the="" their="" they="" this="" till="" to="" toppings="" uniqueness="" up="" ve="" velvet="" visit="" way="" with="" yesterday="" you="">

That's it for today folks, rest well and remember to bring an umbrella out wherever you are! For rain or for shine! <3 div="">

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