Just felt like recapping on my life in 2013 hehe.
In 2013, I've learnt and experienced many events on a first-hand basis, and I think that I've really learnt quite a lot in the year, and also matured from it (somehow?). I've had ups and downs, but I'm glad that through it all, there were people who walked with me through it all. ♥
I started off the New Year in 2013 just after ending work in Farmosa Holiday Tours, and few days later I was awaiting my final results before applying for a polytechnic. Before choosing the polytechnic that I want, my Care Advisor (our form-lecturer in ITE) told me to choose a course in RP because I'd have a better chance of getting in, as I didn't even have a steady GPA of 3.5, only 3.2. As a student applying from ITE, I had 5 choices, and I placed my Top 3 choices in RP. After choosing those 3 courses, I didn't put much thought into choosing the 4th and 5th choice because I was pretty sure there weren't any more courses in RP that I preferred. So I placed my current course into my 4th choice and another course in NP. You could say that I placed them for 'fun' because I really did not expect to get into a 'better' poly, if I couldn't get into RP. When I told my cousin about my choices, she looked pretty dissatisfied, but I looked past that and tried not to notice her disagreement with my choices.
Then the day of the results came, and I went out with Felicia to satisfy her craving for swimming. As she is preparing to go into the pool, my eyes were fixated onto my phone and checking the time, the release of the results were either 1pm or 2pm, I can't really remember it but it's around there, and Fel was telling me to just chill and relax. Then the minute-hand struck 12 and I went to log in, and there I saw, Congratulations, you have been selected to TP - Leisure and Resort Management. I remembered just 'stun' on the spot and Fel was saying 'That's good!' but all I was thinking was 'Why not RP?????' Then Adeline called me and told me she went into the same course as me. After I told people around of the course I was in, almost everyone was shooting me their wide grins, especially my cousin ♥ I could see she was really proud for me to be in this course. Okay, confusion aside, I was pretty elated that I got into TP because that was the first poly I'd visited in sec school and basically the poly that I wanted to get in. ♥
The first few days of being in poly was pretty intimidating to me because although I had friends in the same course, I didn't know anyone in my class and I was pretty afraid because I had heard that in every class, there'd definitely be people who'd look down on the 'older' ones, and I was practically keeping to myself. Then some of my classmates came and chatted with me and made me open up. Apparently everyone was so awesome and bubbly and up till now I still feel super glad to be in this class. ♥ The days, weeks and months following that day just keeps getting better because the projects were smooth, the people were nice, the tutors and lecturers were doing their job and everything was going well.
In 2013, the friends I made had put in efforts to be there for me, cheer me up, be by my side, show off their silly antics and making me feel blessed day by day. Although I did not have much time in the field of r/s this year, but having these awesome people are adequate enough for me ♥♥♥
In 2014, I wish to continue meeting nice people, making progress in my life, being there for people, and also hopefully find the person who'd be there for me anytime, anywhere. ♥
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