Afternoon peeps~~ Hope you've been enjoying your weekends so far cause school's just a few hours away! I've fallen in love with the blue skies more and more each day whenever I wake up ♥ No more taking the skies for granted. The haze-free Singapore is loved! Gonna get ready and go out in awhile and I've absolutely no idea where I'm heading out to but my mood is just up. Well, first thing is because I can finally connect my iPhone to my computer (which is a major news for me since I download songs like forever?), second thing is because project deadlines are all around the corner! This simply means that with projects off the load, we'll have more time to chiong for our exams! Last thing is because I finally found the 窍门 or knack(?) to paint pastel nail colours. And I'm loving my pastel purple nails right now. Happy girl 93 I am! Hahaha. So since nothing much has happened today I'll just blog about yesterday's trip, followed by some rants on my own.
Alright, so for yesterday I went out for my virgin trip to Blackball, and also out with some of my energetic classmates, like Pricilla, Hui Ying, Jia Yi and Nixon. Outing with them was awesome and not to forget hilarious. :') Basically what we did all day was to eat cause YOLO and food is life so yeah. We had Jap curry rice recommended by JY and it's too awesome. Then went to talk around Bugis+ like some girls who are just starting their holidays, going around trying and buying cosmetics, trying on clothes from one shop to another. It was just an awesome day. The peeps went to watch Pee Mak after our Blackball date and sadly I couldnt't join them. Hope I can go out with the balls again cause they're so awesome! Hahaha. Anyway, my personal rating on Blackball would be a 3/5. I mean, no doubt it is unique and all but, I don't understand why they had to made everything into a pearl-like kind of shape. Like the yam and sweet potato, I'd personally prefer it to be like the bubur chacha style, like just cut and cooked, and not rolled into balls and losing its original sweetness. >< But overall it's a good dessert and it's cool because you're not only restricted to have an ice-cold dessert, and you can choose to have it in 4 styles - hot, warm, cold or icy. So go give it a try! ^^ And next up is my rant (as usual).
You know there's always gonna be some people in your life where, when you walk past them, you treat them to be like total strangers? And what is so weird about this is that they used to be very close to you. So close to the extent that you would talk on the phone everyday, message each other everyday, wake up thinking about them, go to sleep thinking about them, and even spend the whole day feeling contented just thinking and knowing for a fact that they are in your life. But one day something, whether big or small, just changes everything, and all of a sudden, thinking about them brings you pain and hurt, you learn to care for yourself more than you used to care for them. Seeing them on the street just makes both of you awkward, and even when you're just seated beside one another, the distance feels even further than when you're in the North pole and they're in the South pole. I've gone through this stage too, and there's one person that makes me feel this way. When I see him, I flashback to all our memories, and asked myself why did I let his existence bother me. Why did I made him a part of my life, and the funny thing is, I don't even remember whose fault it was that we both went our separate ways. Before you let someone important in your life go away, at the very least, make sure that you part on a happy and mutual note. That's the minimal thing you can do for each other for the last time isn't it?
Turning back with my eyes on the path I'd just walk past a few seconds ago, I turned and came to face him - the most familiar stranger in my life.
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