Monday, July 22, 2013


Hello beings! I'm back to blogging after days of not knowing what to blog about and after 2 submissions and 1 class test! Feeling like 30% of the schoolwork load has been off of me, feel so great. But more submissions are coming up and followed by a series of presentations so gotta pull up my socks and continue to work hard. Today won't be a long naggy post, neither will I start ranting (like how I ALWAYS do, hehehe), instead I just wanna use up this entry for today for my dearest girl/elephant/bumblebee/twin/whatever you call it! So here is a reeeeeally brief picture I generated using SmatyArt from MS powerpoint, cause I don't know of any photo-editing software for Windows so please make do with this uh! Hehe!

This is the best background I can find to complement this SmartArt, heehee.

Alright, so here's a brief summary of all the 9 pictures and what has happened in between them~


Pic 1 - This was the first picture we took at Eco food court when we first met in ITE College West! Hahaha can't believe we were already such incorrigible camwhores from the first day of school. Hoho. This is just one of the many pictures we bombed throughout the orientation. I still cannot forget that on the first day of school, this girl was so fixated on her phone that I felt I was talking to myself throughout the whole time! Her five senses were totally on the phone, SERIOUS NO JOKE. Haha but that was also the start to our crazy and fun friendship!♥


Pic 2 - This was the picture taken on our first clique outing to Clementi Mall and my virgin trip to Koi! If I'm not wrong, this should be about a week into school, and this day was just filled up so much fun and memories. Verzen and HuiHui were bickering as usual, Melvin was in his own world practically, and the both of us and Ji Yun were the only people who found the Koi really interesting and kept talking about it, hahaha. And I remembered the whole lot of us fell sick the day after. ><


Pic 3 - This picture was taken months after we know each other and we were already best friends at this point of time. This marks the wrap-up of our first ever Life Skills project called "Look Good Feel Good", and so glad our group got the best comments and gradings (I suppose) amongst the whole class! Woohoo! I was playing the wicked witch, and you were playing the gangster ah lian. HAHAHA. We had built another milestone of memories through this project as we met up in Chinatown to film the short video, get props, stayed back late in school to decorate the "wings" and "halo" for Ji Yun, and also to film the fighting scene of you and Valerie which made us laugh for a couple of hours hahaha. This was also where Melvin made his awesome transformation. ^^v The Hui sisters also stayed back and helped us in shooting the last few parts of the video. Just awesome. ♥


Pic 4 - I can't really remember when this zoo trip outing was but I guess it was around the same time as our LPD project, so pardon me if I'm wrong! >< Hahaha. We came here with the purpose to get some inspiration for our ILT project, but instead end up getting zero information at the end, and eventually we ended the day with buying a birthday present for Eileen. Hahaha.


Pic 5 - I KNOW WHEN THIS PICTURE WAS TAKEN - 22 JULY 2011! Hahaha, it was a fruitful day because all our planning and efforts have paid off! And even though we didn't get to see your tears (sadly), I really hoped you have enjoyed your 19th birthday surprise + celebration with us! And once again, after 2 years, sorry for the white lie that we were gonna bring you to the food court ah. Food court, soon. Hahaha!


Pic 6 - This was around half a year into the months that we know each other I guess! And it was the first official outing our clique went out, hehe. I can't remember what the main purpose of the outing was, but I remembered that we were busy taken gazillions polaroids over and over again until Verzen eventually finished all the films she brought out and bought. Hahaha, another awesome day and memories made with you all. ♥


Pic 7 - Between the last picture till this picture, we had a misunderstanding briefly before our LPD project discussion, and things started to turn ugly between the both of us. Friendships were broken and faces were torn (撕破脸), and eventually our twin friendship broke. We no longer smiled in class, no longer talked, and don'r even make eye contact in class at all. Although till now I don't get what had happened (cause everyone forgot about it, haha) but we managed to talk things through and became friends yet again. ♥ This picture was taken when we came back for a briefing for our orientation programme which we were helping out for this School of Business. This was taken with my iPod touch! Which had... Unfortunately... Disappeared in my house LOL.


Pic 8 - And again, between the previous picture up till this picture, we had another fight, AGAIN. Only that this second fight made more regrets for us. >< This was taken during our long-awaited meetup since we entered poly and our ice-cream date at Cold Stone Creamery! ♥


Pic 9 - Finally, this picture marks the last day we may ever step into ITE College West. And I was really happy that day despite being sick because at the very least, we left with our friendship being as strong as it was, through our times in school together.


Soooooo, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST GIRL, ONG CHIA LEE! ♥ Haha. If there was anything I would like to change in ITE, it would be to amend all our misunderstandings and fights that we had, as I had many regrets from those unnecessary fights, like losing the chance to have a fun and awesome holiday in Taiwan with you, and we were behaving like as if we were complete strangers throughout the whole trip, and not to mention, losing an awesome best friend like you. :( But one day, when I was serving customers emotionlessly at my IAP workplace, a whatsapp from you came and soon, we started talking like as if we have never fought at all. And before we know it, we were joking around, gossiping to one another, complaining to each other about our IAP, and also sharing happy and sad things that goes through our daily lives. :') That whatsapp, up till now, was a really important thing that I'm thankful for. Because of our similar circumstances, you were able to understand my plight during IAP and gave me the suitable advices which I needed. And thanks to you, I had an awesome 19th birthday celebration. Haha. Thanks for being such an awesome and nice friend from the start till the end (minus away the times that we fought). You are a very important friend in my life that I could never do without. I'm really sorry that due to our misunderstandings, I couldn't celebrate your 20th with you, and because we're all busy, I can't meet up with you for your 21st as well. :( But I promise we'll have a belated celebration for you soon alright! I want my panda too! Hehe! I know things may be rough for you now, and many things may seem unfair, but that is life. The most important thing is to never feel you are not worthy of anything good. I LOVE YOU BESTIE-ELEPHANT ♥♥♥ Pictures speak a lot more than words actually do so I'll cut short the wordings and throw you some pictures! ^^


PS: I've just created an askfm account so feel free to chat (or ask) me anything there! Be it advice or anything hehe!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hello beautiful people out there! I'm having some free time off from my revision so I'm gonna do some blogging before I go back to IHT! Hope all of you are having a beautiful Saturday cause mine has been undeniably boring. :( As you can see, I've changed my background yet again! But I'm really loving this one so I hope I won't change it again. Heehee. I managed to completed a few tasks today! Like clearing my IHT chapters 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7! Yay for me! ^^ And also went out to get my new passport. Now that I've gotten a new passport, this suggests that it's time for me to plan for holidays! YAY AGAIN ♥ Okay, so since my whole day is SOOOOO short ( :( ). I'm going to do my usual ranting before I end off my post for the day! Or night. :D


Okay, so I've read the news about the most recent news of the double murder in Kovan and it came out in the news that a suspect has been found and is being detained in the police custody right now. What's so special about this piece of news is that the suspect is Singapore's police officer in the Bedok division, and that fact has disturbed quite a few people. I'm sure many people would go hysterical over this piece of news and soon the Singaporeans would be giving comments like, "Singapore is no longer safe." or "Singapore's police is such a disgrace." Well, I'm in no position to criticise these people because as I'm writing this post right now, in my heart I'm judging as well, but who doesn't? Just my opinion, from my own point of view, I'd just say, let's not let one bad egg determine for us the quality of the other unopened eggs in the same carton. I mean, just because one woman drives badly one the road doesn't mean that all women drive badly. Just because Japanese once initiated a war with Singapore doesn't mean that all Japanese people are awful. And just because of the folly of one police officer, we shouldn't criticise the whole lot of them as the same. I know some of you who are reading this may call me insensitive but I just feel that, so what if we are angry at this man? So what if we are sad over this case? Do our emotions mean anything? Can our emotions change anything at all? NO. It doesn't change the fact that the family is now broken, it doesn't bring back the victims, it doesn't undo the foolish mistake that man did. Why can't we use our time to pray for the family instead? At the very least, if it comes to light that this man is indeed the murderer, we know justice will be brought to the family. Instead of thinking that the Singapore's police management must be so loose for this to happen, why not think about the effects it'll bring? That this case will heighten the police's training (if any) and selection of future police officers? Let's pray for the family.


Okay, so this ends my post for tonight! I'll blog again real soon!! Love you people. XOXO.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Hellooooo~~ Hope you'are all feeling really happy since this is the start of the weekends! And not to be random or something, I realised that it's always around this kind of timing where I am actually free to blog. :( But like I mentioned, my readers are what keeps me motivated always to continue doing what I do.


So to sum up for this whole week, I would say that my TP group mates and I have managed to somewhat complete our projects/drafts on hand, and I've gotten closer to some of my other classmates which I call them as BALLS. Please don't judge me! Hahaha. The main (and only) reason why they're called that was because of our blackball dessert outing. And I've come to realise that they are really awesome people and I just never stop meeting more and more awesome people. The best thing about today was the thai cuisine we had for dinner after the study session in the library. Woohoo! And our new WPS tutor actually showed us a video of Nick Vujicic, which I assume many people knows, and I totally fell in love with his character, willpower and words all over again. I used to get to watch his videos in school because my teachers were always showing it, but it was always for a few minutes, showing the part where he fell down and stood back up. For today and for the first time, I watched the full video for a good 40 minutes, and the only thing I wished was for the video to be longer because it was that awesome. So basically as many people may know, Nick is a guy who was born without limbs. Despite that fact, he has managed to overcome his own boundaries and become a public motivational speaker like the one he is now and I swear for about 99% of the time, I could totally relate to what he was saying and also the emotions of the students who were listening to him. One of the few things which he had said and I doubt I'd forget, is this. I can't remember the full or total exact same thing which he said, but his point was that basically, We don't know, and can't tell what happened to another person before we decide to joke with them. And we never know how our words could hurt them and how our words, as seemingly harmless as it is, may be the final straw to push them down the edge. He had totally gotten my respect after he had made this part of his speech. This is because for myself, I have encountered countless of times where I'm lost and feeling all alone, and experienced many final straws for myself because I'm too chicken too really commit suicide or something. Which is why I keep telling myself, the next time would be the last. But the problem was, the last never came. Nick's I LOVE YOU at the end of his speech really got to me and  I teared at that part of the speech. If only more people would get a chance to watch this video and stop bullying because it really does leave unhealable scars for the many victims who are suffering in silence.:(

That's all I wanted to share today... So good nigh!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Turning back with my eyes on the path I'd just walk past a few seconds ago, I turned and came to face him.

Afternoon peeps~~ Hope you've been enjoying your weekends so far cause school's just a few hours away! I've fallen in love with the blue skies more and more each day whenever I wake up ♥ No more taking the skies for granted. The haze-free Singapore is loved! Gonna get ready and go out in awhile and I've absolutely no idea where I'm heading out to but my mood is just up. Well, first thing is because I can finally connect my iPhone to my computer (which is a major news for me since I download songs like forever?), second thing is because project deadlines are all around the corner! This simply means that with projects off the load, we'll have more time to chiong for our exams! Last thing is because I finally found the 窍门 or knack(?) to paint pastel nail colours. And I'm loving my pastel purple nails right now. Happy girl 93 I am! Hahaha. So since nothing much has happened today I'll just blog about yesterday's trip, followed by some rants on my own.


Alright, so for yesterday I went out for my virgin trip to Blackball, and also out with some of my energetic classmates, like Pricilla, Hui Ying, Jia Yi and Nixon. Outing with them was awesome and not to forget hilarious. :') Basically what we did all day was to eat cause YOLO and food is life so yeah. We had Jap curry rice recommended by JY and it's too awesome. Then went to talk around Bugis+ like some girls who are just starting their holidays, going around trying and buying cosmetics, trying on clothes from one shop to another. It was just an awesome day. The peeps went to watch Pee Mak after our Blackball date and sadly I couldnt't join them. Hope I can go out with the balls again cause they're so awesome! Hahaha. Anyway, my personal rating on Blackball would be a 3/5. I mean, no doubt it is unique and all but, I don't understand why they had to made everything into a  pearl-like kind of shape. Like the yam and sweet potato, I'd personally prefer it to be like the bubur chacha style, like just cut and cooked, and not rolled into balls and losing its original sweetness. >< But overall it's a good dessert and it's cool because you're not only restricted to have an ice-cold dessert, and you can choose to have it in 4 styles - hot, warm, cold or icy. So go give it a try! ^^ And next up is my rant (as usual).


You know there's always gonna be some people in your life where, when you walk past them, you treat them to be like total strangers? And what is so weird about this is that they used to be very close to you. So close to the extent that you would talk on the phone everyday, message each other everyday, wake up thinking about them, go to sleep thinking about them, and even spend the whole day feeling contented just thinking and knowing for a fact that they are in your life. But one day something, whether big or small, just changes everything, and all of a sudden, thinking about them brings you pain and hurt, you learn to care for yourself more than you used to care for them. Seeing them on the street just makes both of you awkward, and even when you're just seated beside one another, the distance feels even further than when you're in the North pole and they're in the South pole. I've gone through this stage too, and there's one person that makes me feel this way. When I see him, I flashback to all our memories, and asked myself why did I let his existence bother me. Why did I made him a part of my life, and the funny thing is, I don't even remember whose fault it was that we both went our separate ways. Before you let someone important in your life go away, at the very least, make sure that you part on a happy and mutual note. That's the minimal thing you can do for each other for the last time isn't it?

Turning back with my eyes on the path I'd just walk past a few seconds ago, I turned and came to face him - the most familiar stranger in my life.
