Sunday, August 18, 2013

Forget the past.

Hello awesome beings ♥ Gonna rant about a short (or long :P) topic before I resume my revision. Hahaha. 


Have you ever been betrayed? Betrayal may seem unimportant or even painless... Depending on who is doing it to you. Imagine a person who's so close to you doing it to you, your best friend, your other half, your clique, or even your family. That would suck a hell lot and probably you won't be able to trust them ever again. Well, for me, it took me 3 years before I found out who was truthful and honest, and who was not. You'd probably think by now the pain wouldn't be so painful because we don't talk anymore but to be honest the hurt DID stung me. And this is due to the fact that although we're no longer in contact, I still treated you like a friend, or good friend, at the very least. And what you did was far beyond what I could apprehend. Far absurd, hypocritical, and disgusting, to say the least. But I wouldn't call you a bitch because calling you that would degrade myself to your level, and I never ever want to meet or be a person like you again.

And what's worse than people like the one I've mentioned above is that, there are people who would seem to judge you even without knowing you personally, and able to spit out a whole lot of comments that I think even your parents or grandparents don't know about. And  it seems girls aren't the only ones doing these kinda things but guys as well, just wow. So if you ever meet someone like that, just go to that person like:

So stop, and look around you to see if you have any people around you who are like this. And if there are, ask yourself why are you keeping such people in your life? All of you out there are so beautiful and awesome and you ought to live a life full of awesome people, not people who go all out to pull you down. If they consider themselves as your friends, they wouldn't do these sort of things. And even if they do, they should have the decency to stay away from you. Show that they hate you, not act like they can't live without you and stab you with a fucking knife in your back. Everyone deserve an awesome life so don't let some irritable people get you down.

And for those people who are guilty or feeling guilty of committing such things. Please look at yourself in the mirror, take a deep breath and ask yourself, "Is there nothing else in your life that you can do?" Are you such a sadist that your only joy comes in belittling others? If that's the case, how sad your life must be. Learn to love others instead of trying to bring them down. DO YOU NOT HAVE A FUCKING LIFE? Is there nothing you're good at, except putting others down? What may seem fun to you now, will scar others for life. And the funny thing is that you don't seem to realise that. Just imagine what would happen if someone were to do the same thing to you?

THE PEOPLE WHO GOSSIP WITH YOU, MAY ONE DAY BE THE PEOPLE WHO GOSSIP ABOUT YOU. This sentence is certainly true, and I've got the taste of it. Knowing this fact after 3 years. 3 years of treating this person like a close friend, putting most things ahead of her. Now, I regret but since I can't change the past, I'll just move on and pray for us to not meet again.


So people, live your lives doing something that will benefit and help others of yourself, you'll definitely feel much better! ♥ Bye for now.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

4 days into Aug♥

Hello to beautiful August and to all the beautiful beings born in this month ♥
Have been tempted to blog these few days but just can't find the perfect topic to talk about. So I've decided to talk about a friend of mine who just recently got engaged. ^^


Before that, just wanna post up to few pictures to summarize this whole week! ♥

Wore our first ever formal wear in poly ♥

So this was supposed to be a picture of a manager with her employees, with me playing as the bad one. ><

And some really crazy photoshoot session with Nat in KFC ♥ (LOL)

So yeap, basically that was how the whole week went by, presentations followed by even more presentations. :D


Couldn't find any pictures of us AT ALL, so just kop-ed this picture from FB. Haha. That pretty lady on the extreme right, Tania, just got engaged recently and I'm feeling so proud of and happy for her. :') Finally she has found her Mr Right. ♥ We were in the same class for Sec 3 and 4, but I didn't exactly know her very well from the moment we knew each other, neither did I bothered to make the effort to get to know her because, well, she had her friends and I had mine. But somehow, after our trip to China, we got to know each other more and realised we have a decent couple of things in common, such as music, singing, and etc. After we got back, we started to hang out more often, together with our groups and friends, and we eventually became a clique. She was always there for me supporting me through my hard times, and we would always hang out after school to talk about stupid and weird stuffs. Our nights weren't spared as well thanks to our long and nonsensical conversations at night. Hahaha. However, after our sec 4 life, we drifted apart as she was busy with her studies and I was busy with mine. We were preparing for our O levels and rarely had the time to meet up. During that period, there was a point in time where our friendship seemed non-existent. This was due to mainly miscommunications, and I always felt that although she had all the time in the world, she didn't bothered to make the effort to call, text or even ask me out, whereas she could do that for her other friends. I guess it was just my immature thinking at that time. But I'm glad that from time to time, even though it is really rare, we still contact one another, or manage to bump into one another.

Tania, really sorry for thinking that way. I have realised that you have a life on your own too, and as the paths we've walked are no longer the same, we won't have much common things to talk about either. Girl, I'm really proud of you for coming this far to where you are standing right now and I'm sure more beautiful things are waiting for you. ♥ Continue to be an awesome, sweet, nice and kind girl to everyone else that you will meet alright? 

And to Tania's new fiance, a person of her species is rare to come by now, and when she falls in love she falls HARD. I don't know if you've ever made her cried before, but from the day she becomes your fiancee, I hope that the only times you make her cry from now on will be those of joy, laughter, and happy surprises. And each time you make her cry, be sure that you're there with her, not just to catch her tears, but to share her happiness with her. She is a really, if I can say it, dumb person that will trust anything and anyone easily, and that includes the words of anyone whom she gets close to. Really, like you just have to look her in the eyes and tell her that pigs can fly, and I'm sure she will believe even that (okay abit exaggerated). Don't let anyone hurt her. And since you have decided to place her as the most important woman in your life and heart, you must be ready to bear her nonsense, and her overly obsession with TOP. She also loves to watch those really stupid sitcom shows like FRIENDS and laugh her ass off for I don't know what reason, so you have to endure that as well. And when she sees those super sad shows, she will cry. Also, when she sees a cockroach back facing down and squirming, SHE FINDS IT CUTE. See all these nonsense? Yeap, you've got to tolerate it with her. So since Tania decides to place you as her most important man, you have to live up to that reputation. And you have to make well and keep all the promises you make to her, because she simply deserves it. So yeap. And one last thing I must say, DON'T EVER BREAK HER HEART. Because if you do, she will crumble, for real. So don't try it.

Best wishes to you both and HAPPY ENGAGEMENT! ♥ Love you Tania!